Factors Relating to Patient Safety Competencies in D3 Nursing Students
Competence, Knowledge, Nursing Students, Patient safety, StudentAbstract
Aims: This research to identify factors related to competency regarding patient safety among D3 nursing students in Jakarta.
Methods: This research will use a cross-sectional design. The research will be carried out at the nursing academy in Jakarta. The sample in this study were level 3 D3 nursing students. The questionnaire was used to measure patient safety competency, knowledge and attitudes. Data analysis was carried out using linear regression techniques.
Results: The study reveals that D3 nursing students have a strong patient safety competency score, with a moderate positive correlation between knowledge and competency. Attitudes also play a significant role, with a positive correlation of 91.9%. Age and education influence attitudes, affecting compliance.
Conclusions: Attitude variable significantly influences patient safety competency in D3 nursing students, indicating the need for comprehensive research and increased education to enhance clinical safety.
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