Certificate Acreditation
Author Guidelines
Parts of the Manuscript
The manuscript should be submitted in separate files: 1) Title page, 2) Main text file, 3) cover letter. Title page and cover letter is uploaded separately as a supplementary file. DO NOT combine main text file with title page nor cover letter. Also, copyright form is required as the author(s) retains unrestricted copyrights after proofreading stage (Read copyright notice and open access policy).
(1) Title page file:
This must include the following information:
- Title of the manuscript
- Names (spelled out in full) of all the authors*, and the institutions with which they are affiliated)
- Corresponding author's details (name, email, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers)
- Declaration of Conflicting Interest
- Funding (with a grant number, if available)
- Acknowledgment
- Authors' Contributions (Clearly state the contribution of each author; ensure each author meets 4 authorship criteria based on ICMJE Recommendations)
- Author's Biographies (Academic or structural position of each author and ORCiD iD)
- Data Availability Statement (Check data sharing policy)
- Ethical Consideration (State the complete name of institutions or ethics committee and approval number)
- Statement that authors will pay APC if their article is editorially accepted (except for editorial or guest editorial)
(2) Main text file
Please click below on the type of manuscript you are planning to submit, and follow the guidance provided.