Family Experiences in Caring for Covid-19 Positive at Home: Phenomenology Study


  • Ikbal Fradianto universitas tanjungpura
  • Mita Mita
  • Nita Arisanti Yulanda
  • Nadia Rahmawati
  • Triyana Harlia Putri
  • Arief Andriyanto



Care, Covid-19 , Experience Family, Home


Aims: Covid-19, a global problem since 2019, has significantly increased in Indonesia since early 2020. Government policies restrict patients from outside activities, making home care a unique experience. This study aims to understand families' experiences in caring for positive Covid-19 patients.

Methods: The method used is qualitative with a phenomenological study approach. There were 12 participants in this study with the criteria of accompanying patients who experienced Covid-19 <1 year and these companions cared for patients at home. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, with in-depth interviews of 30-45 minutes and recorded and recorded. The data analysis technique used is the collaizi method.

Results: The results of the study obtained six themes, namely understanding Covid-19 Disease, Information Sources for Covid-19 Treatment, Treatment Considerations, Psychological Burden, Difficulties in Home Care, and Social Support.

Conclusions: This study found six themes related to family experience in caring for Covid-19 patients, so that the role of the family and social community is very important in caring for Covid-19 patients in dealing with changing conditions and situations.


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How to Cite

Fradianto, I., Mita, M., Yulanda, N. A. ., Rahmawati, N. ., Putri, T. H. ., & Andriyanto, A. . (2024). Family Experiences in Caring for Covid-19 Positive at Home: Phenomenology Study . Jurnal Keperawatan Komprehensif (Comprehensive Nursing Journal), 10(1).