Comparison of Giving Beet and Date on Haemoglobin Among Pregnant Women with Anemia


  • Siti Hamidah STIKes Abdi Nusantara
  • Sulastri Sulastri STIKes Abdi Nusantara



Beetroot, dates, hemoglobin, anemia


Aims: to compare the effectiveness of giving beets and dates to pregnant women with mild anemia in increasing hemoglobin levels.

Method: This research design uses a quasi experimental study method with pretest-posttest with research instruments using observation width and HB level measuring equipment. The statistical test used is the paired t-test

Results: In the beetroot group, the results obtained were a mean pre test of 10.09 and a mean post test of 12.2 so it can be concluded that the mean difference is 1.3 (10.09- 12.2) and P value = 0.329 (P > α) so It can be concluded that the comparison of increasing hemoglobin levels in the beetroot group is more effective than the dates group for pregnant women in the third trimester at BPM Siti Hamidah

Conclusion: Giving beetroot juice is more effective in increasing the HB levels of pregnant women with mild anemia at BPM Siti Hamidah.


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How to Cite

Hamidah, S. ., & Sulastri, S. . (2024). Comparison of Giving Beet and Date on Haemoglobin Among Pregnant Women with Anemia . Jurnal Keperawatan Komprehensif (Comprehensive Nursing Journal), 10(4).