The Effect of Health Promotion Using E-Health Versus Lecture Toward Knowledge of Personal Hygiene Among Junior High School Students in Banten


  • Ipat Patonah STIKes Abdi Nusantara
  • Masluroh Masluroh STIKes Abdi Nusantara



health promotion, e-health method, lecture method, external genetalia personal hygiene knowledge


Aims: Knowing the effectiveness of health promotion between the e-health method and the lecture method on knowledge of personal hygiene external genitalia in junior high school students at Pondok Pesantren Latansa Lebak Banten.

Method: Quasy experimental design with pretest-posttest design with control group design. The sample is female students at SMP Pondok Pesantren Latansa Lebak Banten as many as 84 respondents totaling 84 samples with total sampling technique. The intervention was given 1 meeting for 1 hour. Bivariate analysis used paired simple t test and independent t test.

Result: The results of univariate research on personal hygiene knowledge of external genitalia with health promotion e-health method obtained before that most were sufficient 47.6% and after most were good 71.4%. Knowledge of external genitalia personal hygiene with the lecture method health promotion was obtained before most of it was 50.0% and after most it was enough 52.4%. The bivariate results of the paired simple t test were 0.000 and the independent t test obtained a p value = 0.003.

Conclusion: Health promotion using the e-health method is more effective in increasing knowledge of external genitalia personal hygiene in junior high school students than health promotion using the lecture method. It is hoped that the school can establish cooperation with health workers in an effort to increase knowledge through health promotion for female students, especially those related to external genitalia personal hygiene so that female students or young women can apply external genitalia personal hygiene properly to avoid infection.


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How to Cite

Patonah, I., & Masluroh, M. . (2024). The Effect of Health Promotion Using E-Health Versus Lecture Toward Knowledge of Personal Hygiene Among Junior High School Students in Banten . Jurnal Keperawatan Komprehensif (Comprehensive Nursing Journal), 10(4).