Combination of Deep Breathing and Listening to Al-Qur’an Recitations for Violen Behaviour Risk Among Psychosis Patients
Aims: Deep breathing relaxation therapy and listening to al-Qur'an recitation audio through a supportive group are part of a prevention program that can calm and relax physical and mental tensions. This study aims to analyze the effect of deep breathing relaxation on signs and symptoms of risk of violent behavior in mental disorders patients.
Method: The research design used in this study is an experimental study with a pre-posttest control group design approach. The population for this research is post-hospitalized patients who experience the risk of violent behavior. The total sample is 30 people for the treatment group and 30 for the control group. Data collection using a questionnaire about risk signs of violent behavior consists of 30 items that refer to physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and spiritual aspects. The collected data were processed and analyzed using Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests.
Result: The results showed an increase in the average value of decreased signs and symptoms of violent behavior risk of 28.57 in the treatment group and 24.96 in the control group.
Conclusion: There is the influence of deep breathing relaxation and listening to audio murottal al Qur'an: through a supportive group in reducing risk signs of violent behavior in people with a mental disorder in the working area of the Babakan Sari Health Center, Bandung City, both in the intervention group and the control group.
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